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Work-Related Pain and Injuries

For most Americans, work is a necessary part of our regular routine.  The large majority would likely agree the most painful part of the day is hearing the alarm early in the morning; however, for some, the everyday demands of the job present real physical pain. According to Fortune 500, the top five professions susceptible to injury are those working in air transportation, manufacturing (especially working with wood), couriers (such as mail carriers), nurses, and ranchers or farmers. We don’t always have the freedom of switching careers, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help ourselves avoid injury. Small lifestyle changes can make a big impact on injury prevention in physically demanding careers.

First, invest in a good pair of supportive shoes. There are thousands to choose from but the right shoe should be comfortable and have some cushioning, support the arch of the foot (no sandals!), and not cause any blistering or indentations. If you have existing foot conditions, it may be wise to see a physician for customized orthotics to fit your needs. Also, your shoes are like the tires of your car, the more miles you go, the more frequently you’ll need to replace them.

For jobs that require lifting, good body mechanics are crucial to injury prevention. When squatting down to pick up an object, your feet should be greater than shoulder’s width apart, your back straight, and you should bend at your knees rather than leaning forward at the waist or back. It also helps to incorporate a strengthening program into your regular routine focusing on your core, hips, and rotator cuff muscles (shoulder stabilizers) so they are strong enough to assist you with the demands of the job.

Something else to be aware of is the nagging aches and pains you contribute as a “normal” part of the job. Even those with more sedentary jobs (working long hours at a desk/computer) may notice by the end of the day their necks, shoulders, and backs are hurting! Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is not quite right. Sometimes all it takes is a simple change to how you are performing your job, a regular stretching routine, or a more individualized strengthening program to ensure your muscles are ready to take on each day. Typically, the longer you let your pain linger, the harder it is to get rid of. Physical therapists can treat a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries and an evaluation could likely provide you with the tools you need to tackle the work day pain-free!

We can’t change your alarm clock or the to do list your boss gave you, but if you or someone you know is dealing with aches and pains from the work day, we would be glad to set up an appointment with you at one of our locations to make your work day less of a pain.

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