“Be humble, be hungry and always be the hardest worker in the room” Stephanie Butts, PTA, embarked on her journey with ProFlex in 2011, initially joining as a PT tech. In 2015, she received the exciting news of her acceptance into the Chesapeake Area...
“It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad.” Jimmy Buffett Jill is a distinguished occupational therapist, holding a Bachelor’s in Occupational Therapy from Towson University, where she immersed herself in the intricacies of hand...
“Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality” Julius Rosales is a distinguished graduate of Towson University’s B.S/M.S Occupational Therapy program. In the spring of 2020, he earned his Bachelors in Occupational Health and Well-Being with a...