Fitness Craze: Pure Barre Edition
My Experience: Did you know that it was possible to get a total body workout, sweat profusely, and only take 64 steps on your fit-bit? IT IS. And the workout is called Pure Barre. I recently had the opportunity to experience this new fitness craze at Pure Barre:...
Sports Injury Prevention
As the weather warms up, spring sports for local children will be starting in full force. The first several weeks of the spring sports season can be challenging for many of these athletes as their activity level likely declined during the winter. Most kids start the...
Tips to perform gardening while protecting your back
Gardening is a favorite activity for many of us and although it may not seem strenuous, it can really throw a wrench into creating and maintaining your beautiful yards and gardens. Here are a few tips that can help protect your back before, during and after. ...
Hamstring injury prevention: Stop worrying about stretching them to death!
One of the most common injuries of any athlete I see in the clinic are strains and minor tears to the hamstrings. Years ago it was common practice to stretch them statically (without movement) before any type of exercises such as lifting or an athletic event. In...