The Knee, Stuck Between a Rock and Hard Place?
Being a Physical Therapist I am always being asked by people outside of the clinic about their various injuries and what are some quick remedies to prevent or fix pesky injuries. These questions come from everywhere including friends, family and for some reason...
Desk Friendly Stretches
Do you spend all day sitting at a desk? Or even driving for long periods of time? If so, I’m sure you can understand that this can be hard on your body. People with desk jobs often come to physical therapy with complaints of neck pain, low back pain, numbness and...
Paleo Corn Dogs
During the summer eating healthy can take a back seat because we tend to fall out of our normal routines and end up going out to eat more. We end up resorting to quick meals that tend to be more fast food-oriented. I always try to have a little fun when trying to...
The Importance of Hydration
I know you have heard it all before, “make sure you drink a lot of water”. But seriously, it’s important! We are 60% water, our bodies need water to survive and we need to be well hydrated to function at our best. I used to be pretty bad at drinking water mostly...