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Optimize Your Riding

Optimize Your Riding

Whether you’re an outdoor cyclist or prefer a spin bike, there are some easy ways you can optimize your output and performance. Learning more about your form will also translate into injury prevention and overall comfort on your bike. We hear a lot about...
What Exactly is a Concussion?

What Exactly is a Concussion?

What exactly is a concussion? A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).  Concussions are a result of a blow to the head or a whiplash injury that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth inside the cranium. This type of injury can result in symptoms...
Taking Care of Acute Injuries

Taking Care of Acute Injuries

  If you’ve played sports or maybe even took a first aid class you may be familiar with RICE. RICE was an acronym created for acute injuries, think ankle sprains, broken fingers, or bruises. R: Rest, I: Ice, C: Compression, E: Elevation. This was thought to be...
Seeking Health Care in the COVID-19 Era

Seeking Health Care in the COVID-19 Era

Many have begun to realize that everyday health issues do not cease to exist in the middle of a pandemic. Unfortunately, your aches and pains don’t miraculously disappear.  You may be worrying that seeking health care could risk exposing you or your loved ones to...
Falls Prevention Awareness Day!

Falls Prevention Awareness Day!

Get Ready for Falls Prevention Awareness Day! Tuesday, September 22nd is Falls Prevention Awareness Day (FPAD), sponsored by the National Council on Aging (NCOA). Did you know, according to the CDC, at least 3 million...
Tendinopathies of the Foot and Ankle

Tendinopathies of the Foot and Ankle

What is Tendinopathy? Tendons connect muscle to bone and tendinopathies are irritations these tendons. Tendinopathies used to be referred to as tendinitis and sometimes still are. However, science, as shown us that inflammation, is rarely the main cause of tendon pain...